Saturday, July 6, 2013

Change of venue...

Hey all, You may have noticed a change at the top of my site recently.

In mid-June I decided to leave The Weather Network. It was a very difficult decision as I had made many friends at the network who also happened to be some of the nicest, most professional Broadcasters in the business. I spent 2 years at TWN. Enjoyed my time there immensely.

I had the chance to direct and produce live television, covering some major weather events from around Canada and around the World. In addition, I had the good fortune of producing several feature programs including Canada's Wildest Winters, Weather Myths debunked, Day in the Life of a Pilot, Earth Hour Town Hall and of course The Lighter Side of Weather (a show you can check out for yourself below).

I thank The Weather Network for the chance to keep learning and growing.

Onto the now.

I recently became a Field Producer at CTV in downtown Toronto. Specifically, I'm part of a brand new crew, preparing to launch a brand new National program!

The show itself is called 'The Social' and will ignite animated conversation and opinion to daytime in Canada. Hosted by four seasoned TV vets, 'The Social' will cover everything from travel to food to fashion to cell phone etiquette.

In other words, it will cover everything you can imagine.

It's scheduled to debut in the Fall 2013. For more info, check out this LINK.

Excited and eager to dive in. If you're reading this in Canada, stay tuned for the latest details and check your local listings for the time in your area.

Wow, I sound like a recording :)

Been busy...

Hey everyone,

Checking in after a long layoff from writing. It's been a very busy few months with many changes.

During the Winter and Spring, while at The Weather Network, I was traveling around Ontario producing some comedic shows with some of the most talented people in the broadcasting business.

Ice fishing in Central Ontario, snow-shoeing at the always amazing Blue Mountain Resort and fat biking at Hardwood.

I know what you must be thinking. Fat biking?! What is fat biking?

It's a fairly new winter activity that is becoming increasingly popular in and around winter loving communities around North America.  The tires on the bike are thicker giving you more traction on tough snow while the frame of the bike is very light. The result is something called 'the float'. You feel like you're floating on the snowy terrain.

It's an incredible feeling. In fact, these bikes are also often used on sand too.  But for us in Ontario, fat biking is perfect in the winter as it gives one the ability to stay active while getting outdoors with no excuses!

For a full look at what I mean, check out this video. Enjoy!